We had an interesting early morning at the Martinson house last Sunday. At some point during the "crack-of-dawn" hours, Chloe came in to our room complaining of a stomach ache. We put her into our bed with a bucket and plenty of towels "just in case".
A bit later, but still long before we should have been even thinking about getting up, Sam came into our room and said that he was so hungry. I told him that he couldn't be hungry, that it was the middle of the night, and that he really should just go back to bed and wait until morning.
Well, on his way back to bed we heard "it"--and upon flying out of our bed, we saw "it"...and "it" wasn't pretty. I said, "Sam, go to the toilet, go to the toilet". He did. But forgot to lift the lid. Again, not pretty. I'll spare the details--because it really was pretty gross...but the bottom line is that vom"it" was e v e r y w h e r e!
We threw him in the shower and started the clean-up process...which took us basically almost right up to the time when we should have been thinking about getting up!
All of this led up to the point of this post--that being that since Sam and Chloe were sick, Lydia and I went out for a lovely (though quick) breakfast together at McDonalds before meeting at the chapel.

1 comment:
It wasn't quite so funny at the time, but looking back it is a little funny. Especially the part about him saying he was "SO hungry". He is usually pretty good at distinguishing between sick and hungry--but at that time of night anyone can be confused. I must add that while we were cleaning up and he was in the shower he was just talking away and even humming. Always feels better when it comes out. BTW...thanks again, Jeremy, for cleaning up the "toilet part"--I owe you one.
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