Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jesus Is Lord

"Jesus is Lord" is the distinguishing mark of Christianity (1 Corinthians 12:3, Romans 10:9). His disciples, enemies, and even casual followers heard the same message.

Jesus introduced the slave metaphor and drew direct connections between slavery and discipleship (Matthew 10:24-25, Matthew 25:21). He made no effort to adjust his message to make it more palatable to the worldly-minded. Those who tried to change the terms of discipleship were turned away (Luke 9:59-62).

How then do we understand John 15:14-15?
You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.
The fundamental principle here is still obedience. Note it: "You are my friends if you do what I command you".

He's not suggesting that we earn His favor through service. He is saying that obedience is a true proof that someone is His friend. Obedience is the natural fruit of one who loves Him--a definite mark of saving faith in Him.

Is He telling them their relationship had somehow changed in verse 15? Is He indicating that they are now familiar, personal colleagues of His? Is He teaching that they are no longer under the slave-master metaphor? Is he making them His peers, no longer under His authority and obligated to submit to His will?

Not at all.

They are His friends as well as His slaves. A slave isn't owed explanation or reasoning. But Jesus had revealed all to his disciples (v. 15). They were more than slaves because they were privy to His thoughts and purposes (1 Corinthians 2:16).

A relationship with the Lord Jesus is more than an obligation to serve a Master--but never less.

I am quick to claim the titles "son" and "friend" as my own. I much more slowly adopt the title and position of slave. Yet, the master/slave relationship is the dominant metaphor used throughout the New Testament to describe our relationship to God.

I can find no examples in scripture of an individual saying, "I am a son of God" or "I am God's friend". However, the writers of the New Testament consistently introduce themselves as "slaves". Paul even describes another believer as a slave (Colossians 1:7, 4:12). Those who shepherd His people are His slaves (2 Timothy 2:24). It is a slave who received the Revelation of Jesus Christ to show to other slaves (Revelation 1:1). And in the end, it will be slaves who worship the Lamb (Revelation 22:3)

When the familial relationship is described, it is in the plural--"children", and "sons". We are God's children (1 John 3:2-3)! And this is a glorious position, to be sure. But the one we have claimed as Lord is our Master--and we are obligated to serve Him.

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