Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Preachers: Passengers Want the Pilot to Take them Straight There

I've consistently enjoyed reading Peter Mead's Biblical Preaching blog. For the past couple of days he has been writing about how to end a sermon/message. Here's one (of many) ideas he shares that I found instructive:

Finishing the journey – as someone who has flown once or twice, let me continue with the airplane analogy since there are several thoughts that can be shared here.  Passengers who have had a great journey with a bad landing will leave with their focus entirely on the bad landing.  Passengers want the pilot to know where he is going and to take them straight there.  They don’t particularly want the pilot to finish a normal journey with a historic televised adrenaline landing.  Passengers like a smooth landing, but they’ll generally take a slight bump over repeated attempts to find the perfect one.  Once landed, extended taxi-ing is not appreciated.  A good landing that takes you by surprise always seems to have a pleasant effect. 

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