I'm enjoying a book I purchased off of eBay entitled The Glorious Galilean by J.W.G. Ward. While I'm reading it, I'll post a few snippets. This is from the forward:
The story of the divine Son of God is so familiar that many people have almost entirely lost the sense of reverent wonder. On the other hand, there are those who have so idealized the central Figure of the Christian faith that Christ has become for them both shadowy and unreal. It is admittedly difficult to grasp the fact that he suffered and sorrowed, that he knew weariness and disappointment, that he walked the rough paths of daily duty as we do. In a word, we have well-nigh forgotten that he actually lived our life on this earth, and that the people whom he blessed were flesh and blood like ourselves.
In these pages, with fullest reverence, our object has been to make these men and women live again. We have sought their story, as they might tell it, in order that a keener sense of the real divine-human Christ may be awakened. Taking the scriptural records as the basis, we have allowed imagination to play around the facts in the earnest hope that a richer faith in the Living Lord may emerge. It is with this purpose that we send these studies forth on their wider mission.
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