Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inflexible, Because God and Conscience Require It

This serves as a good follow up on certainty and humility from several weeks ago.

Jonathan Edwards said:
"A truly humble man is inflexible in nothing but in the cause of his Lord and Master, which is the cause of truth and virtue. In this he is inflexible, because God and conscience require it. But in things of lesser moment, and which do not involve his principles as a follower of Christ, and in things that only concern his own private interests, he is apt to yield to others.

There are various imitations of (humility) that fall short of the reality. Some put on an affected humility. Others have a natural low-spiritedness, and are wanting in manliness of character. … In others, there is a counterfeit kind of humility, wrought by the delusions of Satan: and all of these may be mistaken for true humility."

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