It is that time of year again--when we remember "the day that started it all"--July 27th.
In honor of the anniversary, here are 10 reasons why I love my dear wife, Lois.
- She loves caring for people.
- She values our marriage.
- She is diligent--when she sets her mind to do something...she's going to do it.
- She is at the same time my greatest supporter and toughest critic.
- She is sensitive to the needs of others--and gently reminds me when I'm not.
- She is a humble servant of our family--providing me time and opportunity to serve the Lord.
- She always tells me the truth.
- She has no problem getting her hands dirty--definitely not a girly-girl. :)
- She is tough--her pain tolerance is at minimum triple mine!
- She loves me--including all of my computer-nerd, book-reading, hard-question-asking, truth-stomping character flaws.

Nice picture, Dear! :-) I love you and I am so thankful for you. I can't believe it's been 17 years. You are so good to me and I thank the Lord for you everyday. I pray that our lives together might bring Him honor and glory.
You two are so sweet to remember when it all started.
You are both so kind and we are thankful for your friendship. Hope to cross paths soon.
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