Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today the “Love of My Life”is turning 32!  He is still young enough to not care about listing his age yet. :-)

I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Jeremy.  You are an incredible man, wonderful husband, and an amazing “Daddy” to our kids.  May you continue to be honoring to the Lord and may your life be used of Him for His honor and glory. 

J's BD


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! I'll always remember you and how caring you are to others. Remember bringing Lois and I drinks painting? You would know I like my Dew - not that many people are that observant... I always thought that was really nice. :) Enjoy your big day!

Lindsey,Alyssa and Carly said...

Thinking of ya...hope you have a good day celebrating the big 3-2!!

kathy said...

AHh....its 10:30 pm and I FINALLY have time to turn on the computer! So much to little time. A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our "firstborn". Just think - you never had to wear a used bib, or used shoes. You never had to use the little spoon with all the plastic coming off. You never had to share your baby toys, or share your mom and dad for 18 whole months...Perhaps this is why you have become the man you have!! No, you have become the man you are because of the Grace of our LORD Jesus Christ and His working in your life. May it continue as you press on to serve and glorify HIM! We love you tons. Mom & Dad did, however, wear the unthinkable ---- cloth diapers!

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy!! yeah I am a day late sorry about that, but just wanted to let you know that we were thinking about you yesterday! Hope you have many more years and that the Lord continues to use you mightily!

Kim & Dave said...

Happy b-day!!

& Lois-thanks for stopping by my blog!

It is so fun to re-connect with old friends!!

Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog, as well, & thanks for praying for us!!!

Kim & Dave said...

Oh, & I am adding your blog to my list I I can keep up with you!

I'm sure Rebekah would like to see your blog, too!