I don't usually like to "brag" about our family, but I would like to take this opportunity to share just how special my husband is. . .
Last night we were at the final concert for Homespun Gospel. For those of you who aren't familiar with them, they are a southern gospel group who has been singing together for 10 years. Four years ago, through circumstances only the Lord could orchestrate, Jeremy was asked to be the piano player for this group. He jumped right in and they fell in love with his piano playing and also him. (which doesn't suprise me at all) He was by far the youngest member of the group--he was the age of all of their kids. :-)
The Lord has gifted Jeremy musically and in return he has desired to give back to the Lord what has been given him. His piano playing and music have blessed and encouraged many. He would never tell you, but I have been there after concerts and listened to people (some in tears) about how the music has ministered to them.
Playing with this group has been a blast for Jeremy. It gave him an opportunity to use his gifts. Jeremy has written many songs, most of them are in a binder here at home that not many know about. Some of them, many have come to know and love because Homespun started singing them or we sing them at camp/chapel.
Last night was the final chapter for Homespun Gospel. Jeremy made the decision that he wanted to spend more time with the kids and me and also more time serving the Lord at the chapel and in other ways. It was not an easy decision for him/us because this has been a real joy for both Jeremy and I, but he felt like it was the right thing to do and the right time.
We are both thankful for this chapter of life and it is hard to see it go--but we have lots of fun memories. I hope many of you who have heard them play or have a CD have enjoyed them too. As I know Jeremy would say...."To God Be the Glory" and keep "Looking to the Sky"